The New Testament Bible Church Biblical Institute is offering courses in Christian Chaplaincy. Qualified applicants have an opportunity to earn a recognized Certificate and become a certified Chaplain. It will enhance your life and your ministry.
Entry Requirements:
- Must be called of God to work as a Christian Chaplain
- Must be walking with the Lord and is affiliated with a Christian Church or Organization.
- Must be striving to live a life that is beyond reproach.
- Must download and complete the application and pay the required fees.
- Must complete and pass the required course work and exam.
Tuition cost: $300.00 plus $50.00 application fee.
To become Certified and to earn a Certificate in Christian Chaplaincy the student will need to complete the application, complete and pass 3 courses relating to the field of study, complete 40 documented hours of internship at a local hospital, nursing home, jail, or prison and write a 5 page double space typed essay on the subject of our choice. Once all material is turned in and graded along with the tuition and application fee. The student will be awarded their beautiful Certificate with gold seal along with transcript.
Certificates being offered:
Certificate in Christian Chaplaincy
Certificate in Ministerial Chaplaincy
Certificate in Prison Chaplaincy
Certificate in Hospital Chaplaincy